The Abolitionist No. 4 (1980)

Drawing from the cover of The Abolitionist Magazine Issue 4.

Introduction / Commentary by John Moore

Published in 1980 number 4 starts with (a necessarily) anonymous account of the authors experience of doing jury service. Sadly, some of the ignorant and prejudiced opinions of jurors reported here are still common. The second article, by Brigid Brophy, explores how imprisonment effectively buries people alive and has no other function than to inflict pain. The third article focuses on sex on prison (mainly masturbation!)

Much of number 4 focusing on uprisings that were then going on in various prisons. These included Wormwood Scrubs, Hull and Peterhead prisons. The priority given to this coverage shows the important work undertaken by RAP and other organisations to highlight what was happening in Britain’s prison. The solidarity offered is highlighted by a press statement issued jointly by RAP, The National Prisoners Movement (PROP), and Newham Alternatives Project which made clear that they ‘wish to support those prisoners at Peterhead Prison and elsewhere who take direct action to draw attention to the inhumanity of prison conditions.’  

The edition also includes a RAP press statement in support of the closure of ‘the cages’ at Peterhead, book and film (SCUM) reviews, letters and forthcoming meetings. The later include a short announcement from East London Women Against Prison calling for women to join them in establishing an organisation to campaign against the imprisonments of women and to develop support services for women.


Abolitionist Digest - August ‘22


Freeing Education — Conversation 1: Deconstruction, Refusal, Departure