Article Maureen Mansfield Article Maureen Mansfield

The neoliberal slide into a carceral gender-based violence sector

Mainstream feminism in Britain is commonly preoccupied with the desire for a seat at the table of power; for a stake in the empire, for legislative wins and more women in board rooms and on parliamentary benches. Yet multiple, competing feminisms exist—arguably, feminist work has always been characterised by fragmentation and internal dissent. The halcyon years of the women’s liberation movement (WLM) in the 1970’s is also wrought with dissent and disagreement.

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GBV Series, Resource Maureen Mansfield GBV Series, Resource Maureen Mansfield

Complexifying Carceral Feminism: Interrogating an Emotional Entanglement

As “carceral feminism” has become ever more distilled, rigidly individualised ideas around what – and who – the “carceral feminist” is have also emerged. A process which has been accelerated with the growing interest in anti-carceral perspectives following calls to defund the police in 2020 in the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter protests.

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Resource Abolitionist Futures Resource Abolitionist Futures

Recording & Transcript: Against Border Carcerality & Towards Abolition

Recording & transcript: On October 15th people accross continents joined an online workshop Against Border Carcerality and towards Abolition that brought together activists, community organizers, and engaged researchers to share experiences, insights and strategies based on their ongoing struggles against border carceral systems, including detention, deportation, and encampment, across different countries and contexts. 

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Article Emma Gant, Sam Hanks, Holly Mogford and John Moore Article Emma Gant, Sam Hanks, Holly Mogford and John Moore

Resisting the carceral temptations of devolution

A response to political and academic discourse that has emerged in support of a devolved criminal justice system in Cymru (Wales). It challenges, from an abolitionist perspective, arguments that present devolution as the solution to what is often presented as a criminal justice system that is both failing and at breaking point.

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Article Maureen Mansfield Article Maureen Mansfield

Irish Penal Abolition Network: A New Voice With An Old Ideal

Irish Penal Abolition Network launch their three legged General Election Manisfesto for the upcoming elections to the Dáil in Dublin. Challenging the ‘Law & Order’ myths that more prisons will bring us safety, and connecting to what communities actually want and need- more social investment.

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Article Tracey Davanna Article Tracey Davanna

Hunt saboteurs & the creation of safer communities

Despite the 2004 act, foxhunting has continued as if the ban did not exist. Illegal hunting, however, is just one strand to the package of harms that accompanies foxhunting, with overt and organised violence by hunts and their supporters regularly experienced by sabs and monitors.

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Events Naomi Oppenheim Events Naomi Oppenheim

25 Years On: The origins of UFFC from the archive

This Saturday 26 October, the United Families and Friends (UFFC) will be meeting in London (Trafalgar Square) and Edinburgh (Bute House) at 12 noon. The same week that police officer Martyn Blake was acquitted of murdering Chris Kaba, it’s even more important to come together. United, we will remember those killed in custody and continue the fight for change.

25 years since the first annual procession memorialising those who died at the hands of the state, we encourage you to join UFFC and stand with bereaved families and friends in their ongoing struggles for justice.

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