The Abolitionist No 8 (1981)

Introduction by John Moore

Like all abolitionist groups RAP was often subject to the “what about the murders and rapists” question. In order to respond to the “rapists” part of this question RAP set up a working group on sex offenders. No 8 includes two articles from the working group, the first on sex offenders inside prison and the stigma they attract. The second on the criminalisation of sex work. This section also has an article by Clare Medhurst on sex offences and the victim and a review of Campaign Against Public Morals pamphlet on Paedophilia. As a whole this section is a little dated but illustrates that abolitionist do not shy away from difficult questions. (There is an interesting MA or BA dissertation to be written on the RAP sex-offenders working party - anyone interested please let us know and we will both direct you to the resources and support you!) 

No 8 also includes articles on the killing of Barry Prosser by prison guards in Birmingham; a personal account of imprisonment by Shelley Granger; alternatives for drunkenness offenders; a historical account of women in prison by Joe Sim, letters, book reviews and a RAP policy statement on Parole. The edition also includes an ‘Update’ section with a series of short updates on news about prisons and penal law.  The back page is an advert for Stirabout Theatre Company 


The Abolitionist No 9 (1981)


Abolition. Revolution. Now.