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The Abolitionist No. 17 (1984)
Read a full digital copy of this edition of Radical Alternative to Prison’s journal “The Abolitionist” (1984) No. 17
Autumn Book Club 2023: Abolition Revolution
Join us for our autumn 2023 bookclub. We’ll be reading Abolition Revolution by Aviah Day and Shanice Octavia McBean. Sept 19, Oct 17, Nov 21.
The Abolitionist No. 16 (1984)
Read a full digital copy of this edition of Radical Alternative to Prison’s journal “The Abolitionist” (1984) No. 16
Abolition and harm to animals
G. Ryan explores how we as Abolitionists can address the harms and suffering experienced by animals
The Abolitionist No. 15 (1983)
Read a full digital copy of this edition of Radical Alternative to Prison’s journal “The Abolitionist” (1983) No. 15
Cops in Culture #8 - Law & Order: SVU
Similar to police in the UK’s recent public exclusion of officers involved in highly-mediatised violence, SVU is a project of legitimation; obscuring the structural violence of policing to make it easier for the public to trust the police.
The Abolitionist No 14 (1983)
Read a full digital copy of this edition of Radical Alternative to Prison’s journal “The Abolitionist” (1983) No. 14
Building Abolition from Scotland’s history of resistance to the prison
John Moore provides a brief reflection on last month’s event: Activating the Archives: Prisons, Abolition and Histories of Resistance organised by Martha O’Carroll and Margaret Malloch from the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research.
Over-policed and under-protected: why does nothing change?
Police racism does not result from a failure to provide ‘appropriate and professional service’ to racialised communities, as suggested by the Macpherson & Casey reports, because racism is fundamental to the project of policing itself. / Written by S Lamble and Megan McElhone / Published by the Institute of Race Relations.
Holding Our Own: A guide to non-policing solutions to serious youth violence
Report shining a light on violence experienced by young people and how to address it, including through better funded youth services and a rolling back of police powers / Produced by Liberty, the Northern Police Monitoring Project, Release, No More Exclusions, the National Survivor User Network, INQUEST, Kids of Colour, Art Against Knives, JENGbA, Maslaha.
The solution to police failure is not more police
Superficial reforms will do nothing to end the harms of policing. The Metropolitan Police must be defunded and abolished / Written by John Moore / Published by Verso
Defund — not defend — the Police
This article argues that defunding the police is necessary in Britain. It responds to critics who suggest that defunding the police is US strategy that doesn’t translate well to the UK.
The Abolitionist No 13 (1983)
Read a full digital copy of this edition of Radical Alternative to Prison’s journal “The Abolitionist” (1983) No. 13
Prisons have never been safe for women – removing trans people won’t change that
All violence in prison is unacceptable and we must address that, not demonise marginalised groups.