Resource Abolitionist Futures Resource Abolitionist Futures

Recording & Transcript: Against Border Carcerality & Towards Abolition

Recording & transcript: On October 15th people accross continents joined an online workshop Against Border Carcerality and towards Abolition that brought together activists, community organizers, and engaged researchers to share experiences, insights and strategies based on their ongoing struggles against border carceral systems, including detention, deportation, and encampment, across different countries and contexts. 

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Resource Maureen Mansfield Resource Maureen Mansfield

Defund the Police in the UK

This chart breaks down the difference between reformist reforms which expand the scope of policing, and abolitionist steps that reduce the scale of policing and its detremental impact. It is a UK-relevant resource adapted from a poster created by Critical Resistance in the US.

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Resource Maureen Mansfield Resource Maureen Mansfield

Alternatives to calling the police

By thinking about why you feel the need to contact the police, developing your own skills around conflict resolution and educating yourself on what alternatives are available, you can minimise police interference in your area and avoid further endangering those who might be put at physical risk by their presence.

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Resource Maureen Mansfield Resource Maureen Mansfield

Defund the Police in the UK

This chart breaks down the difference between reformist reforms which expand the scope of policing, and abolitionist steps that reduce the scale of policing and its detremental impact. It is a UK-relevant resource adapted from a poster created by Critical Resistance in the US.

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Resource Maureen Mansfield Resource Maureen Mansfield

A history of UK abolition

Campaigning against prisons and the police and attempting to build a just world, free of domination and an economy based on mutual cooperation are not new. Here is an overview of the long history of organisations and individuals in the UK working towards these goals, even if all were not explicitly abolitionist.

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Resource Maureen Mansfield Resource Maureen Mansfield

A world without Prisons?

On June 15th - 18th 2018, activists from around the world gathered in London for Abolitionist Futures: this year's International Conference on Penal Abolition. Over the weekend, there were over 100 presentations and workshops with contributions from 18 countries, bringing activists and community organisers together to plan for a future where prisons, policing and punishment are no longer used.

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Resource Maureen Mansfield Resource Maureen Mansfield

Transformative Perspectives on Crime and Justice

The World Transformed hosted this excellent panel discussion on police, prisons and immigration enforcement with contributions from Blair Buchanan, Luke Hayes, Dr Tanzil Chowdhury, Rosalind Comyn, Rebecca Roberts, Divya Sundaram and Dr Patrick Williams.

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Resource Maureen Mansfield Resource Maureen Mansfield

What If Prisons Were Abolished?

In this video, Professor Ruth Wilson Gilmore examines what a society without prisons looks like. She examines the connections between slavery, racial capitalism and the prison industrial complex.

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